so many assignments waiting for me leh!! like a mountain.. no mood to do.. Sometimes, i wan to do it early, so that i no need do it last mintues.. But, i really lazy.. always do the assignment at very last last minutes..haha!!
Finally i had submit all the moral assignment..
Now 3 more assignment waiting for me...
1. E-Commerce ->webpage design
2. Web Techonology->webpage design
3. 3d modeling->3dcharacter
4. New media->dunno yet (hopefully dun have lah)...
The most trouble and suffer assign for me is 3d.. Better you guys come and kill me... I really dunno how to do 3d.. how to use 3d.. becoz is very confusing.. and i seldom attend 3d class and even i go, i also not pay full attention.. so now, i need to start modeling for my 3d character.. but, try try n try.. still cant get it.. anyone got the tutorial or noe 3d?? and willing to teach me?? tell me.. i need your help!!!....
About the new media assign i had just submit.. abit not statisfy!! coz got some idea kena band.. becoz we did it wrong way, the thing we do, is not the teacher wan.. BUT no choice, have to do what the teacher wan!!.. actually, i think this assign is very simple.. but dunno why, i can do the assign till 5am and wake up at 8am and continue... haiz..
and abit not statisy about my final artwork, coz we print it out and mount it at mounting board.. the artwork got abit dirty and the mounting board abit not nice liao.. the bottom part "kok" jor.. haiz.. and our group's presentation also not good!!.. just wish that, i have another chance to present again.. to score my presentation marks... I think my groupmate present not good lah.. simple saja.. like not enuf details.. BUT i cant blame anyone, coz i dun have the brave to present.. not dare to present infront of my classmates.. wuhaha!!!... Sir, pls give me more marks.. becoz we put in mroe efforts in this assign compare with the previous wan!!..
But about the MORAL assignment for both informal and formal.. Thank you my groupmates.. especially Wai Leng.. He done a good job!!! I think he like doing everything.. i just help out in a very small part of both assignment!!.. For our formal presentation, will held on mid of august, we are the last group to present.. So, the teacher will marks more straight.. just wish that, we can do it better and put in more efforts to prepare...
Another 2 webpage assign, so far is still ok for me!!! will try my best to do it... so far, i only got the layout for both webpage.. need to start do it liao.. if not, rush again...
ok.. will stop here for this time!!.. just wish that, the next blog i upload, will have some good news lah.. good news such as, assign cancel, high score for assign, presentatation good and etc.. hehe
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
about study again
I dun like my life now.. I mean my Advanced Diploma life.. I feel very weird and very stress!! Always feel lonely and stress.. I really regret that i din continue my study last year!!! I understand, if i join last year, i will also feel stress.. BUT at least i only feel stress! haha.... I can still continue my 3838 life with my ex classmates and ex coursemates!!...But now, I can only say that I dunno how to communicate with my classmates. I feel that i am so quiet in class... Actually, that is not me.. I feel very weird.. cant talk is very suffer thing in my life.. haha... I dunno how to join my classmates, dunno how to invlove myself inside them.. Maybe I am shy?? haha... or maybe they are to close with each others, so that i not dare to join them?? I also dunno the answer!!! GOD, Pls give me wisdom to communicate with my classmates..
Yesterday, I quite enjoy my time with my ex-classmates!! Jacke find me makan after my class... then, we go find our ex-classmates which is my senior now... then we go lunch!!! but me and jacke, just minum saja lah.... I feel that my diploma class (u2) is the best class in my life.. Almost all of us knowing each and others...
I still remember that, during my diploma, i also always feel stress... But, I still can finish my diploma even got so many stress!! I feel that, i very geng leh... Thank you to my classmates and coursemates who help me, teach me, group with me (38n assign) and 38 with me during our diploma life...
BUT now, i always lack of confident!! I feel very not peace!! and always think to quit my study now!!!... I feel very no mood to study leh.. becoz of the stress?? or lonely?? i dunno the answer.... Just feel like want to go a new place that no people noe me, and start my new life there... BUT, I know I have no choice!!! I want my Degree cert... So, have to force myself to study!! work hard!!! do hard in my study!!!... 2 years+ only!!!! Bro and Sis, Friends, Pls pray for me!!!
Yesterday, I quite enjoy my time with my ex-classmates!! Jacke find me makan after my class... then, we go find our ex-classmates which is my senior now... then we go lunch!!! but me and jacke, just minum saja lah.... I feel that my diploma class (u2) is the best class in my life.. Almost all of us knowing each and others...
I still remember that, during my diploma, i also always feel stress... But, I still can finish my diploma even got so many stress!! I feel that, i very geng leh... Thank you to my classmates and coursemates who help me, teach me, group with me (38n assign) and 38 with me during our diploma life...
BUT now, i always lack of confident!! I feel very not peace!! and always think to quit my study now!!!... I feel very no mood to study leh.. becoz of the stress?? or lonely?? i dunno the answer.... Just feel like want to go a new place that no people noe me, and start my new life there... BUT, I know I have no choice!!! I want my Degree cert... So, have to force myself to study!! work hard!!! do hard in my study!!!... 2 years+ only!!!! Bro and Sis, Friends, Pls pray for me!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I feel like want to go a place that noone know me and start my new life!! do whatever that i like, talk whatever that i want... Why i got such thinking?? Recently, I feel very stress.. Stress in my study, in school, in church, home, anywhere and any place.. not only stress.. I feel that i hate myself... How come my communication so bad?? How come people treat me like "ah sei" or stupid?? Izzit my false???
Some people are so selfish.. they never think for me, do whatever they like, go whatever place they like, then pass all the job to me or give me some trouble, pass that "ball" me sendiri go senang and relax!!!.... really selfish!!!.... I really dunno why they want to treat me like dat... Because i easy to bully?? They din think for the fact of what they doing.. They just do what they want to do.... How come?? how come?? How come?? 做事不经大脑!讲话不经大脑!So hurt!!! I was trying my best to pretend nothing, just cool down myself.. But, I am sorry to God, I have no paitient!!! I will get angry very easily... 佛都有火!!sorry to said that....... Sometimes, i really dun understand THEM!! sorry to use the word STUPID to called them!!!!! STUPID! 1明明还没正式决定取消某件事情,他们已经去答应别人另外一件事情!!
Actually, i purposely write it out.. I am sorry if i hurt you!!! But, I just want to express what i am thinking!!!... IF you think I am wrong, I got nothing to say!!!... IF you think you are RIGHT, i can only say u are SELFISH!!!!.... Just hope that YOU YOU YOU and YOU can think it carefuly what i said!!!!...
Some people are so selfish.. they never think for me, do whatever they like, go whatever place they like, then pass all the job to me or give me some trouble, pass that "ball" me sendiri go senang and relax!!!.... really selfish!!!.... I really dunno why they want to treat me like dat... Because i easy to bully?? They din think for the fact of what they doing.. They just do what they want to do.... How come?? how come?? How come?? 做事不经大脑!讲话不经大脑!So hurt!!! I was trying my best to pretend nothing, just cool down myself.. But, I am sorry to God, I have no paitient!!! I will get angry very easily... 佛都有火!!sorry to said that....... Sometimes, i really dun understand THEM!! sorry to use the word STUPID to called them!!!!! STUPID! 1明明还没正式决定取消某件事情,他们已经去答应别人另外一件事情!!
Actually, i purposely write it out.. I am sorry if i hurt you!!! But, I just want to express what i am thinking!!!... IF you think I am wrong, I got nothing to say!!!... IF you think you are RIGHT, i can only say u are SELFISH!!!!.... Just hope that YOU YOU YOU and YOU can think it carefuly what i said!!!!...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
部落 in 慢得林
我现在心情很乱,也不懂怎样好呢!很想放弃,回到以前的生活。想放弃现在的学业!我觉得压力很大,我明白无论读那一科,都一定有压力。。每当我要做功课的时候,我觉得很怕,很烦,不懂怎样开始,不知从何下手!!所以做功课的时候是最痛苦的时候,不但如此,还常常去烦烦朋友(Bowie, Soon Hong, Man Man 等人),去求救,问问他们的意见,叫他们帮我,教我。。觉得很不好意思,常常去打扰他们!!觉得自己很没有主见!!可是我很谢谢他们,他们真的很乐意教我,帮我,给我意见!!这使到我很惭愧及无助!!大家明明Diploma都是同一个老师教出来的,大家学的东西都是一样的,为什么我什么都不懂,什么都不会呢??为什么我每次都没有意见,没有自己主见?? 我是否应该继续在这一行读下去?发展下去呢??
上个礼拜考了New Meida 的 Mid Term, 太久没有读书了,太久没有考试了。所以,也没有什么读到!就这样上了战场!!当中有一提问题是6分的,我还以为那题自己可以拿完6分,结果我是拿不到!!昨天看会老师派回来的考卷,才发现,原来我也不知自己在写什么的!!哈哈!昨天当老师派回考卷时,我都不敢去看自己到底考的如何!!我以为自己大概可以拿到8分这样!!结果呢??? 太看的起自己了!!可能太骄傲了,我只拿了6.5 per 20.... 这应该是我在TARC考过最差的试!! 这应该是在TARC的第2个不及格的科目!!第一个是Photography,也是考到很差,如果没有记错是30++ per 100。。。哈哈。。对不起老师!!。。
考到这样差,怎样去考final呢??New Media,这一科,真的要命!!很抽象!!觉得很难明白notes, 很难回答问题!!但,谢谢老师,他愿意给我们extra class教我们。其实,这new media 老师蛮不错,只是有时很吓人!他会突然间叫名然后问你问题!!哈哈。。就希望自己在final exam 是可以考好,提高自己的CGPA!! wahahahahahaha.....
不知不觉,上了Advanced Diploma已近8个礼拜了,感觉还是很陌生!!对班上的同学的很不认识,只是觉得自己融入不到他们!!haiz.. 只能怪自己不主动去融入他们!也只能怪自己,为什么去年有的读不要读?如果我去年继续的话,相信我应该是班上最吵的吧,因为diploma的时候,我也很吵!!哈哈。。。
我现在心情很乱,也不懂怎样好呢!很想放弃,回到以前的生活。想放弃现在的学业!我觉得压力很大,我明白无论读那一科,都一定有压力。。每当我要做功课的时候,我觉得很怕,很烦,不懂怎样开始,不知从何下手!!所以做功课的时候是最痛苦的时候,不但如此,还常常去烦烦朋友(Bowie, Soon Hong, Man Man 等人),去求救,问问他们的意见,叫他们帮我,教我。。觉得很不好意思,常常去打扰他们!!觉得自己很没有主见!!可是我很谢谢他们,他们真的很乐意教我,帮我,给我意见!!这使到我很惭愧及无助!!大家明明Diploma都是同一个老师教出来的,大家学的东西都是一样的,为什么我什么都不懂,什么都不会呢??为什么我每次都没有意见,没有自己主见?? 我是否应该继续在这一行读下去?发展下去呢??
上个礼拜考了New Meida 的 Mid Term, 太久没有读书了,太久没有考试了。所以,也没有什么读到!就这样上了战场!!当中有一提问题是6分的,我还以为那题自己可以拿完6分,结果我是拿不到!!昨天看会老师派回来的考卷,才发现,原来我也不知自己在写什么的!!哈哈!昨天当老师派回考卷时,我都不敢去看自己到底考的如何!!我以为自己大概可以拿到8分这样!!结果呢??? 太看的起自己了!!可能太骄傲了,我只拿了6.5 per 20.... 这应该是我在TARC考过最差的试!! 这应该是在TARC的第2个不及格的科目!!第一个是Photography,也是考到很差,如果没有记错是30++ per 100。。。哈哈。。对不起老师!!。。
考到这样差,怎样去考final呢??New Media,这一科,真的要命!!很抽象!!觉得很难明白notes, 很难回答问题!!但,谢谢老师,他愿意给我们extra class教我们。其实,这new media 老师蛮不错,只是有时很吓人!他会突然间叫名然后问你问题!!哈哈。。就希望自己在final exam 是可以考好,提高自己的CGPA!! wahahahahahaha.....
不知不觉,上了Advanced Diploma已近8个礼拜了,感觉还是很陌生!!对班上的同学的很不认识,只是觉得自己融入不到他们!!haiz.. 只能怪自己不主动去融入他们!也只能怪自己,为什么去年有的读不要读?如果我去年继续的话,相信我应该是班上最吵的吧,因为diploma的时候,我也很吵!!哈哈。。。
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