Tuesday, July 26, 2011


26th July 2011, 1.30pm~
I just finish my brainstorm, research and think for my Independent Digital Project's ideas~~ Praise God, the ideas is there and i think i can handle it, but i still need some wisdom and guide from God... Later 10.00am have to consult with my tutor~~ But dunno why, I can comfort my friends to take it easy, is just a consultation and discussion but I now is damn worried and scared to face them... I lost my confident since the research marks released... God, Please give me little self confident, i just hope that i can present it well tmr..


感谢神让我可以在英国这里认识几位基督徒的朋友~ 感恩。。
跟他们交流或聚会后,我觉得自己很惭愧,很对不起神~ 当中我可以说他们中间最得空,最没有压力的一位~ 但是,我来了这里好像除了去教会,都没有什么时间给神! 我希望我可以像他们一样,每天赞美,读经 ,祷告~~

看见他们对神的信心,面对事情还很喜乐,我觉得我应该要学习~ 求神帮助我~ 感谢主,让我们有机会可以一起分享~~ 荣耀归神~~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


只想告诉自己,不管环境多么的差,自己再这么差,没有人安慰的时候,都要往好的方向去想~ 感谢朋友的鼓励及支持~ 我要加油~ 别再想不愉快的东西~~

你们要靠主常常喜乐。我再说、你们要喜乐。腓立比书 4:4
疲乏的,他赐能力。软弱的,他加力量。以赛亚书 40:29



我觉得自己的Research还不错的。。对于我自己的presentation还蛮有信心的~ 但是成绩出来竟然拿了一个让我要哭的答案~ 四十分,刚刚好及格~ 我没话说~

只能默默的接受,用面巾擦干眼泪, 责怪自己不够努力~~ 真没用,真笨~~

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I'm now doing my pre independent digital project.. Something like proposal for my Individual final project for my degree... I'm now headache what to do... Just feel very stressful and disappointed with myself.. How come i'm so stupid? The mind is really blank and no mood to continue.. Now is 10.30pm here, 11 hours 30 minutes later, i need to consult with my tutor oredi.. How? I'm still very blur and helpless... Can someone give me some idea??? I need ideas? many ideas.........