Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Renewal Of Marriage Vows

This blog is 99% COPYING from my sis's blog.. wakakakaka.. hahahohohehehuhulalalelelulu

Yesterday was a special occasion which is the 'Renewal Of Marriage Vows' in my church.This is the very first time to have such occasion.Those married couples who wish to re-dedicate their marriage vows had registered to involve in this occasion earlier.

The purpose of this occasion is to witness the re-dedication of marriage vows between the couples,to seek for blessings and share their joy.For marriage is a gift of God and creation.The institution of marriage is for the husband and wife to comfort and help each other, live faithfully together in need and in plenty, in sorrow and in joy.

There are 3 couples.Presents to you....

Mr and Mrs Leong with 36 years of marriage life

Mr and Mrs Lew with 33 years of marriage life

Mr and Mrs Cheng with 12 years of marriage life

Blessings from pastor

Congratz to the 'Newly wed' couples

Just to advertise the white thing on our head

The owner of the white thing..

2 wei wei.. (Soong Jun Wei & Lee Le Wei) hahahoho

Timothy & Me

Monday, October 27, 2008

平时不祷告, 临时读圣经

story about 25 Oct 2008 (Saturday)..

2day around 5pm when i step in to church, i saw my eldest sis, Canaan, Rebecca and Dorcas sitting on a table.. Then, I saw rebecca was reding the bible and my sis, Can and Dor was chit chating and holding paper notes...

Around 6.10pm.. we (Rebecca, Dorcas, Pey, Canaan, Sofea, Jian, Karen, My aunt and myself) went to "老地方" to eat our dinner.. 老地方 which is a mamak stall called Ramas.. We having our dinner everyday saturday before Youth Fellowship..

After that we went back to Church.. then i was in Confrence Room for photostating something with my aunt and Karen.. When i was finish photostating.. i went out from confrence.. Then, I saw many people there.. got youths, uncle and aunty.. Most of them are READING BIBLE!!.... Some of them are reading paper notes.... All of them are very serious and hardworking... wah!!.. 1st time i saw my churchmates reading bible seriously...

Actually, that night is our Youth Fellowship combine Brother Fellowship and Sister Fellowship.. the activity is BIBLE QUIZ.. base on the book of Ezra and Nehemiah... haha!!.. This 2 books is quite hard to read.. and quite difficult to understand.. is talking about 献祭,重建圣殿。。。and then got many names, number and bla bla to memorise..

Even though is hard.. But all of us enjoying the moment..Finally.. the result..
1st Brother Fellowship
2nd Youth Fellowship
3rd Sister Fellowship

This Bible Quiz is very useful for us... it encourage and help us to read bible.. besides that, we can understand the words of God...

Now..I understand that is not easy to understand wat bible talking about.. Anyway i will try my best to read it de.. haha....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

temporary hairstyle

haha.. i have straighten my hair.. haha.. but just for temporary lah!!..

just to show you guys some photos!!....

nice mah?? handsome mah?? smart mah?? haha

plan to go saloon to straighten and dye my hairs.. hehe
how you think??

with my 自恋狂 sis

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mooncake Festival 2008

Hi.. mooncake festival had pass long long time ago..but now only i tell my story about the festival.. this is because i suddenly found out those mooncake festival photos that i took with my family members..

actually i dun have story to tell lah.. just to show some photos.. haha...

done by my cousins (so creative!!)...... haha


cousins Lee & Foo!!...

Le Hui + Le Jie + Ce Rou

Le Jie + me(so stupid)+Le Hui

Le Qin + Le Wei

Saturday, October 4, 2008


昨天3/10我在教会诗班练诗时, 已一首圣诗做为分享。 我所分享的歌是"耕田撒种歌"

We plow the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land, ........ But it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand; ...... ...... . ........ He sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain, ........ The breezes and the sunshine, and soft refreshing rain. ...... ........ All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, ...... ... ........ Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord For all His love.

He only is the Maker of all things near and far;
He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star;
The winds and waves obey Him, by Him the birds are fed;
Much more to us, His children, He gives our daily bread.............. All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, ...... ... ........ Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord For all His love.

We thank Thee, then, O Father, for all things bright and good,
The seed time and the harvest, our life, our health, and food;
No gifts have we to offer, for all Thy love imparts,
But that which Thou desirest, our humble, thankful hearts. ........ All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, ...... ... ........ Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord For all His love.

我也分享到, 我们大部分的基督徒们常常只在遇到困难时才开始向神祈求及祷告!! 当我们没事时, 就好象忘记了神。这句话是在形容着我这位"基督徒"。。。另外, 我们基督徒往往只会记得别人得罪, 批评, 骂我们。。这些事情, 我们往往会记在心里!!但是, 当我们向上帝祈求后, 就这样算了。。 完全没有感恩的心去感谢神! 往往也会把神的恩典及祝福忘记。。。。 或者, 如果神没有"听"我们祷告, 我们会埋怨!! 这个并不是一个基督徒应有的态度!在诗篇103:2有提到"不可忘记神的恩惠"。。所以, 我们凡事都要感谢, 要知足, 不要埋怨!!但愿我所分享的能够勉励我自己及听的人及看的人。。

可是今天!有人给了我一些批评。其实也不算是批评啦。。他们只是讲讲吧了。。他们所说的也有道理!!只是给人家讲几句,心里不好受。。难免有一点点不爽。。。 然后, 我又更一些人有一些小吵架;心里面就更加火。。。 更加生气!!当我回到家时, 就发了一点脾气。。但是突然间, 我却想到我昨天的分享。。 不可忘记神的恩惠!而且还想起自己所说过的-- "我们只回记者别人对我们批评及得罪" !!这时我醒过来了。。 原来我这种不爽的想法是不对的。。 应该要改过。。 当时, 我就觉得很不好受。。 然后向神祷告求神帮助我能在神的华语上站立的!阿们!如果我不改过, 那么这个分享就变废了。。 我自己讲到做不到。。 人家怎样做到呢?
