Friday, March 6, 2009


S E L F I S H...

Finally, i believe that human are SELFISH including myself.. Noramlly, we only think for ourself, we seldom think for others...

Recently, I face many problem such as relationship with God, relationship with friends, relationship with family members, my studies, my future and so on... I feel very stress, sad, depress.... Besides praying, i cant do anything... i trying my best to change, trying my best to tahan tahan tahan... But i cant do so... I can tahan infront of the people, but after that i will scold him or her in my heart... How come they cant think for me?? How come they cant tolerant?? Sometimes i feel that i kena bully... everyone like “洗人不晒本" (read in cantonese)....... 人家做的什么都可以,我做的就谈3谈4。。 I was trying my BEST to be a good child, good friend, good brother, good cousin, good nephew infront of my God, parents, siblings, cousins, friends, uncle, aunty and so on, but i cnat do so.... maybe i dunno how communicate with them..


Anonymous said...

Sometimes if the statement that you made [人家做的什么都可以,我做的就谈3谈4]is come from your family, it is good for you. Every parents wants their child to be great, greater than others, therefore they want you to sharpen your skills, increase your ability and make you a better boy. So all you have to do as a child of them is to be patience, endure, and learn from mistake. If those words are not from your parents, then you must do what you think is right and not to sold them in your heart but take them back to the right path, accept and forgive them.


Le Wei said...

May I know who are you??